Sunday, August 19, 2012

You're The One Never Turn Back

You're The One Never Turn Back

Kiro is Yuna's boyfriend. They're a couple that love each other. One day, they are go to amusement park. They having fun that day. They played many things but, time pass so fast, and then they have a lunch at 3 pm.

"Today is so fun" said Yuna.
"Yeah, I'm glad you said that" replay me.
"Hehe... hey! by the way I have a challange for you"
"Hah? What is the challange?" answer me.

"Lost contact with me for 1 day. Don't meet with me, don't talk to me, don't telephone me, don't text me. BUT!!! if you can do that, I will love you forever."
"What??? are you kidding me?" 
"no, I'm not kidding you. I'm serious"
"Hmm, okay, I will do my best" *smile face* answer me.

Kiro accept the challange without knowing that Yuna have a cancer and she just have 1 day left.

*after lunch*
"do your best!" :) said Yuna. "Yeah, I will do my best. Bye, love you" 
After that conversation they go home.

*next day*
Kiro go to Yuna's House and he open the door and.........
"WHAT HAPPEN?!" he see Yuna lying on the floor and quickly run to her.
"Hey!!! wake up!!! what happen??? answer me please! I'm begging you!"
"what is this?" he take a paper that Yuna hold before. He read it and so much tears flow out.


Sorry for hide this from you, I have a cancer. I didn't tell you because I don't want to make you worry about me. Thank you for yesterday :D by the way, YOU DID IT! can you do that everyday? I love you :)


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