Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Mysterious Chocolate Statue

The Mysterious Chocolate Statue

One day, Plushie found a Chocolate Birthday Statue in a Chocolate Themed Map in Pet Society. And she brought it home and she slept in her bed dreaming about what if her house turned to chocolate. When she woke up she woke up to a amazing surprise !!!!! She found out that somehow her entire house transformed into a chocolate fantasy !! ♥ And she found out that she was wearing stuff made out of chocolate too !!! She couldn't believe her eyes. She then thought "Wait it's chocolate !!!! It might melt into a pool of chocolate!!!", but then she thought maybe that statue I found was the room changer and she ate a piece out of the statue and everything turned normally again. After that event she went to sleep and she thought "This must be a dream! :)" So she didn't think that it was really true ! But there was something still not right ! She kept dreaming about chocolates and then one day she decided to give the Chocolate Birthday Statue to someone else and then everything was finally normal :D. 
______________________________THE END_______________________________

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