Sunday, August 19, 2012

THE MYSETRIOUS SCARY DEVIL - by Andrea Ayessa Salvador

by Andrea Ayessa Salvador

Csavil a Evil Devil and her friend Tsavil is with a ending vil it means that they are EVIL
DeVIL. So that night they went out on a Fire pond to get some Fire's for there Devil Bloody Lolllipop so when they went back home in there devil house they see in there Coffin a Scary EVIL Bunny they said to the bunny can you be are friend Evil Bunny the Bunny said yes and i will help shoting the people with fire on the upper . And let us Kill People on the Earth . So that night they prepared Fire shots and Bloody water. And they got something that is a GUN! Can shot people on earth . When they're walking a Blood with a Fire Can kill those People on Earth and live on Hell . In the Hell there's many Thunders Fire's Magical EVIL Items . So the People who was Shot was dressed by the Evil Blood And fire + Any EVIL Scary Items. That night there was a Magical Mirror Apeared and Say Mirror Mirror On the wall A Evil Girl And Boy Will be your Servant and they will be Aperead Tomorrow , Tonight 12:00 Noon .



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