Saturday, August 25, 2012

The Old Forest

The Old Forest
by : Shakira Montia Salesa
Long long time ago there was a old woman who live in a forest because she live in a forest 1000 years ago his husband was shot by a gun. And his husband's house is already broken the Old Woman who is called a Widow is a name for a girl that the Husband of the Old woman / Girl is Dead.

So by that time in the forest the Old woman pack the broken things and build a very simple house not fancy just like Rural houses the Old woman was very sad and she can't stop thinking about her Husband died 1000 years ago.

10 years ago the Old woman is still in the forest she wanted to kill her self but she coulden't without any sharp object's so she needs to find something that she can kill her self so by that time she get some leaves flowers chop tree's to make a sword , She will not stop choping getting some leaves and flowers and chop tree's until she dies.

She wanted to die because her husband died 1010 years ago from now. She can't really stop thinking of it she wanted to go back to the Parepa Country but she is in Zeforest Country she travel 10 days just to go to Zeforest , She would love to travel again but she needs to go back to Parepa were there is fancy. But she don't have money she don't have house so she could not stay in Parepa of not having money.

In Zeforest there is no water to drink on by that time the Old woman was thirsty. She really want to go in Parepa but she got no money in Zeforest there are thousand's of forest.

Next the Old woman want to go in a Lake to get water but the Lake is far away in cost 1 month to let here travel because thousand's of Lake's River's Spring's are in Akewatese Country.

The Old woman wanted to go in a Ocean were to make her dround so that she will die. Juring the time that she chop a tree 10 meter's of the longest tree fell down to her body but she can't be alive. so 1 day after she was alive already she heard in a newspaper in her floor.

Volcanic Eruption tomorrow. The Old woman said Sigh this is gonna be great wohoo! I will die I WILL DIE! I want to die! I WANT MANY LAVA AND MAGMA! AND BOILED ROCKS!

When the Volcanic Eruption and the Magma reaches the Forest were she live the Magma boiled her legs and feet so there came a blood but she didn't die yet she said

Now she wanted to kill her self she Build a very very very magical special sword that can kill anyone by that time she Killed her self with the sword now she is dead and many bloods are from her and her heart isn't beating that time she wen't to heaven.

In the future she thought she was alived again in Heaven with God and her Husband is there she met her Husband alived and the Husband of the Old woman met each other then God was happy to bring them in Heaven not to Hell so that they will be happy

Then by that time the Hell Demons Devils decided to Take the Person who shot the Husband and make the Old woman cry very hard go to Hell and the Person who shot the Husband finally died and was buried.

LESSON : If you shot or do something bad to others it will come back to you


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