Saturday, August 25, 2012

Petling Guide

You will have to name your petling after you feed it for the first time., it can not be renamed later

You can claim publish a post to your wall so your friend can claim a glitter apple

Each Day the petling will ask for a different food, feed it the food it asks for
You will need to feed your pet up to 4 times in a period of 72 hours for it to become fully grown. It will only ask for food once every 24 hours so it will take 3 days from the time you bought it for each petling to become fully grown
If you delay feeding your pet for more than 24 hours, it will take longer than 72 hours for it to become an adult
The Growth of a Petling

If you keep your petling hungry for 24 hours (If you keep it with the sad eyes and food bubble for 24 hours), it will run away and you will have to hire a detective to get it back or ask your friends help.

To feed the petling open you chest and drag out the item it wants and drop it on it’s head

You can feed it something it doesn’t want but it will not grow

After you have named your pet, you can find them in your chest by typing KITTEN or PUPPY, DOG or CAT.In the future Playfish will make it possible to find it in the chest by the name you gave it
Your pet will change colours after you feed it for the first time and it will stay that colour, each petling is a different random colour
If your pet has a blank food dialogue it’s asking for a bone.

Once your Petling is fully grown you can sell it back to the store if you like, and grow a new one.The cat sells for 333 coins. The Dog sells for 399 coins
You can only grow one at a time, but after it’s full grown you can get another
You can keep up to 6 petlings.
The petling will stay in the room you leave it in.
After 3 days you`ll be able to sell it if you want it, but they are not recycable or giftable
You can share a surprise treat with 3 of your friends when your pet is fully grown
If one of your friends lost their petling and you rescued it, you`ll received 200 coins as a reward
It is now possible to buy a TIger for 25 Cash coins.
You can also change its colour using the biscuits in the cash shop.

Petling Types 

  • Normal Coin Petlings

  • Cash Petlings

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