Thursday, August 23, 2012


tips to earned more coins just a simple tip...

  1. First you have to go to the official page ( you must like the PS page first to collect a coin it raged to 300- 2000 coins) any PS page will give you that opportunity.
  2. Collecting visit your neighbor all of them and share a myster box the gold coz if your friends collect those boxes, and you'll have 500 coins instantly
  3. Clean a pet everyone namely: your pet if it dirty, your neighbors pet if it dirty and got o the coffee shop and look for a pet that need to be clean. each flies cost 40 coins so clean them up.
  4. After cleaning do not forget to fed them each is 1 coin each per food the pet each ( remember only your neighbor's pet or other pet on coffee shop or mayor and hiddeni can give you a 1 coin if you fed them!
  5. after the visiting, cleaning, feeding you are now back to your house, you want excitement and play more while earning? Well, if you want it all you have to do is open your chest and play ball, freshbee, jumping rope and most of all you will get an award on the highest play you got on those things, you will get 1 coin or more ..
  6. While doing a interaction on those things you can also cook dishes it has 5 minutes if you are beginer the price of the dish if you sell it will rage on 100- ^ up it depend on the level of cooking you are in.
  7. Investment. After finishing the basic why not go out and buy some investment! Investment is a thing that you buy and if you will sell it the price you is doubled if you sell it.... And that is planting! planting vegtable is the most perfect investment but this onvestment is good if you are online always so your vegy will not be wasted for if you forgot to harvest your plant will be wasted but it can be use to fed on your pet :D.. but if you can only online 3 times a week then this two more investment will give you a bundle of coins in no time.. Another seed investment that you dont need to worry about wasted is flower and tree. This two seed is good investment and you can leave them to grow without worry. But the only different of the two is flowers cant wasted but if you dont harvest it you will not earned more coins, since teh one you plant will nly rage on 200 or more, depend on the kind of flower.. but dont worry if all you garden is flower you can earned .. but you need to plant again.. and buy seed.. NOw the tree.. most of the player plant tree for if they harvest the fruit of the tree it will rage up to 20- ^ up per fruit depend on the tree you plant also you dont need to buy a seed again to plantall you need is to wait for teh fruit to come and even if you dont harvest it at time it will remain sellable.
  8. Another thing you can do is go out on the house and play! play search the mayor's loss pet remember its 30 per pet you find and  if you found them all you will have a bonus! a blue mystery box :D after hunting you can also go to the digging site and dig the ordinary shovel to find a treasure , next go to the digging map and go to the digging site whick you can use the blue shovel any will do if you will use it 5 coins ! next go to your house! then sell all the treasure you dont want or u dont wanna use and you will have more coins!!
  9. You need osme more fun? try the stadium! you can earned 300 if you run on hurddles, also you can double your money if you bet ( make sure you bet on teh right pet ;) )
  10. I am sure you want some more coins since there are soo many great item on store, so log in everyday and get 500 up to 2000 coins daily lottery !
  11. I am sure you also heard about trading eh ? most of ps players now r on trading business why? coz its easy to earn coins in there too ! but first start on a small item like simple but beautiful to sell .. after that you can buy more investment on things on the game :D just try to be wise !
  12. After doin all the stuff on the game why not go out and check out who need's help, whether its a craft, building or just plain asking for help to find its loss petling, help them by clicking the a link that said help or click to help will give you a coin dont know how much but its pretty enough :D, dont forget to get out again and see the thank you link for helping on finding its petling. help all your friends to have more coins :D you help while earning .. next is to collect what your friend had share if your friend had share its bonus then click to claim the coins dont forget to say thank you .. CLAIM all !!
  13. Want to have a dirty earning? all you have to do is follow the poo tips you can either sell them, or click them the earning will rages 1 - up :D so enjoy as you play for if you enjoy you can easily go to next level and if you LEVEL UP you will EARNED COINS as you do!!
so good luck and stay good

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