Saturday, August 25, 2012


--------------------------IN A RAINY SEASON--------------------------
Eric Bradshaw 
Once upon a time in a very far away place a girl named Erica wanted to be rich but she can't and she is always poor sad but she's beautiful she don't have any items she just use her Dress and Shoes that her Mother and Father 1 Year ago died.

When her Father and Mother didn't die yet Erica was rich because of her rich mother now she is not rich because her house was burned and her Mother and Father is also burned by fire she didn't burn her self because starting one fire she go out of her house.

Now when her Father and Mother died she was poor everytime it's raining she get's wet she doesn't have anything to cover her self she just stay in some places were there is roofs.

So what she did when her Family died (But not Erica) she is just asking for money and money. In her city Brazil the people long long time ago were very kind so when she ask people pony the people always give her because she's poor and she doesnt have a

Erica was just 10 Years old but she know's what to do and know's what is bad and what is good.

Erica was kind hearted girl but poor so what she did is to buy a umbrella for 10 money only so that when it's thunder or raining she will not get wet and she doesn't care about the color designs and what she picked is the Sky Blue Umbrella with the Ribbon Design.

She wanted to go in a place were she can get rich when she grow up she said to herself tomorrow is my birthday and i need to have house and have things.

So she wished that she can have things alot because she doesn't have anything even luxury and modern items even just a Rural kind of House a poor one.

In the next day she said to her self again it's my birthday now how come?

I do have to go around in the city to find a wishing well so Erica go around the city to find a Real Wishing Well she did find 1 but it's only a toy.

So she keeps going around and around until she finds the Wishing Well.

After 10 Hours to keep her grooming around the city she found a wishing well she wish for to have a house because it has Thunder and Raining after 5 hours of her grooming around.

So her wish came true and then there's a sound.

She face back and see the house oh now i have a house thank you so much it's a happy ending.

So when she grow up and grow up she is more richer THE END.

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