Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Petling Coyote

The Petling Coyote is a petling that is sold in the Petlings section  of the outdoor store.
You must be level 15 or higher to own this petling.

  • Cost: 2000 coins
  • Sells for: 666 coins
  • Recycle: Not recyclable
  • Giftable?: No
  • Added: 22 February 2010
  • Removed: No

  • BODY
Cat colors.png 
  • EARS
  • TAIL

Petling Dog

The Petling Dog (also sometimes called the Petling Puppy) is a petling that is sold in the petling section of the outdoor store. You must be Level 10 in order to buy this petling.

  • Cost: 1,200 coins
  • Sold for: 399 coins
  • Recycle: Cannot be recycled
  • Giftable?: No
  • Added: 1 February 2010
  • Removed: No 
  • BODY
Cat colors.png

  • EARS

  •  EYES




Monday, August 27, 2012



Once upon a time it was summer and it's snowing in Africa. A beautiful girl named Micah likes to go on vacation her Daddy and Mother said let's go to America were it's nice to say since we have Dollars too we can use it for America so Micah said when are we going? Daddy said tomorrow 2:00 A.M. In the morning Micah said it's too early , so her Mother and Daddy said it's okay , So that we can have our trip early.

Micah said okay sure but remember we have to pack our thinks and do you have to promise this? Please let's buy something for me because i like clothes shoes bag's and money's since i am 17 years old already and i have a boyfriend on Africa so when will we go back?

Daddy said in 2 days , Micah said okay it's very short what are we gonna use Car or Bus? Mother said Car because if we use Bus we need to pay and we need 14 hours to travel.

Then Micah said it's to long when we are starting our travel is early then our days 2 days it's short but 14 hours? It's long Daddy said that No it isn't that like Micah you know your a kind girl were just gonna have 2 days because after 2 days 1 more day it's school day.

Mother said that Yes Micah you are 17 years old and your kind you suposed to have a nice talk , Micah said okay find i can't be kind because of our trip to America , Daddy said so if you don't want leave in this house since your 17 years old.

Micah said i am sorry okay i will forgive everything about the trip so Daddy said good now pack your things 17 years old like you should learn , Micah said Okay then i'll pack and i'll use 2 bags big bag 1 is Bag 1 is Trolley please? 

In 2:00 A.M. Right now they will go to there trip! Now the are in the care 10 hours later there wen't a accident 

Mother and Daddy died only Micah is left so a stranger came to help and the stranger was good. 

In the next day Micah's boyfriend want to marry so they married the stranger was the boy visitor. and there were flower girls and Micah and his boyfriend Andy live happily ever after

♥♥♥A world without strangers♥♥♥

♥♥♥A world without strangers♥♥♥
Tick tock tick tock the clock ticks continously.As the time advances,i got more excited to go home and see him again.As the bell rang,we ran out of the room and bid each other good byes.

It was raining hard that time.The lightnings flash and the thunder roar it's might.My grandmother hasn't come yet to fetch me so i waited at the bench near the school cafetiria.There I saw you.Afraid,wet and worried.I know we cant do anything about it beause i am feeling the same.This storm must caught up the enthusiasm between us.I thought of things we can do while waiting for my grandomther to arrive. We can play hide and seek,but the pavements were wet and slippery.How about charades?But i dont think you will enjoy it.You knew that i wanted to become a ballerina,but i really dont know how to dance. I also told you the games i play on facebook,the friends i met and my crushes.I fount out that it was fun talking to you. 

But then my grandother came.I dont know what to do to you I ask y grandother if you an come with us.She nods,you agreed.It has been a month since I emt youYou have changed a lot You are more beautiful than ever With your bright eyes and shining smile,you're the most beautiful cat,Goldinne